Alcoholics Anonymous

Sometimes folks stumble upon our website in search of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA). If you are one of these people, the following links are the most up to date we are aware of for information pertaining to our geographical region. Al-Anon Beaufort County (ABC) is not responsible for the accuracy of the content on any of these sites.

District 60 – Serves Beaufort, Hardeeville, Port Royal, Ridgeland, St. George, St. Helena Island, & Waterboro (Colleton, Hampton and Jasper Counties; Eastern Dorchester and Northern Beaufort Counties); this content is hosted on the official state website. Contains contact information and meeting schedules.

District 61 – Serving Bluffton, Hilton Head and Okatie (Southern Beaufort County); this content is hosted on the official state website. Contains contact information and meeting schedules.

Area 62 – Area 62 is the official South Carolina Alcoholics Anonymous state website that hosts the above District 60 & 61 pages. Contains contact information for all districts in South Carolina and meeting finder for the entire state.

Lowcountry AA Information – Serving Hilton Head Island, Beaufort, Bluffton, Walterboro, Hardeeville, and other communities (Beaufort, Jasper, Colleton, Hampton, & part of Dorchester Counties); This is an information page for AA meetings in the aforementioned locations. It was previously an AA Intergroup that shut down in 2022 that still has a few members posting reported changes to meetings.

YANA Club – This website belongs to the local clubhouse on Hilton Head Island. The mission of YANA Club is to provide a facility on Hilton Head Island where Twelve-Step groups can meet; to encourage recovery growth and fellowship among those groups; and to ensure a safe, secure and comfortable environment for all attendees. Alcoholics Anonymous, Al-Anon, Narcotics Anonymous, and others hold meetings here.